Good Life Letter > Stress & Sleep
Stress & Sleep
I’ve never admitted this before. But I’m a bit of a snorer… Just like my father before me – and his parents, too! In fact, one of my early memories is staying with my grandparents and hearing them BOTH snoring in stereo from their separate rooms, The walls would literally shake on either side of me. In the morning, they would both emerge from their bedrooms and grumpily accuse each other of snoring all night. It was such a shame…
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How a cold snap can be a public health crisis How to stay warm without cranking up the thermostat The financial risks of chronic health problems Crikey it’s been cold. We spent all autumn trying to avoid putting the heating on. And it was easy… Because September, October and November were extremely warm. The highest daily temperatures were 2.5C above the average between 1990 and 2020. So this sudden flip into equally extreme cold has come as quite a shock….
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Read this if you’re feeling tired all the time The horrible truth about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Nine ways to combat constant exhaustion and stress Imagine part of yourself gone forever. That bit of your personality that defines you. That thing which makes you “you”. Well, this is what can happen with serious chronic illness. And can be devastating. This is what I was thinking about last week when I read an online extract from a book by Mike Mariani, an…
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This is why we all need a little help in troubled times How to find the help you need Eat yourself to better sleep A few weeks ago I also talked about how happiness could protect you from serious disease. I wrote that studies have found that a generally positive outlook on life could reduce the chance of breast cancer by a quarter….while the stress of divorce of a family death lifted that cancer risk by more than 60%. So…
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An unusual way to keep calm and positive in the face of adversity Revealed, how to stimulate your stress-busting nerve system The hidden benefits of gargling, singing and saying “OMMMMMMMMMM” Today I want to intrioduce you to the Vagal Nerve. It’s one of twelve pairs of nerves called the Cranial Nerves because they do not enter the spinal cord. The Vagal Nerve is often considered to be the most important of these nerves, and I want to show you what…
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The health benefits of vinegar – Why vinegar is not just for chips How to deal with these striped monsters Why this pungent liquid helps avoid a health pickle Discover what a thousand years of Asian healing can do for you – click here I have been collecting odd remedies for a few years now, and it’s no surprise that they often come to my aid. One of my wife’s favourites came to my rescue last weekend. A large fence…
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