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Grim news for British men

herbal medicine

I’m always reading reports and newspapers. So I’m bombarded with stats and facts every day, pretty much. It all comes with the territory! But even so, I still get surprised by the occasional curveball. For instance, recently, I read that British men are dying a lot earlier than in many other developed, wealthy countries like Australia, Switzerland and Austria. And we’re dying from preventable or treatable illnesses, too, like type 2 diabetes and heart disease, The statistic that really made…
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The issue with exercise

Have you been enjoying the Olympics? I do admit to getting a bit hooked on the track-and-field events, and so I’ve got into some of the action this week. I’m one of those people who – when they see something inspiring on telly – immediately want to start doing it themselves. If I watch a Kung-Fu movie I instantly turn into Bruce Lee. If I watch the rugby, I’m taken instantly back to my youth, and begin ducking and diving…
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The classic BBQ food linked to dementia

BBQ Party health dangers

I don’t know how many readers will be having a bbq and tucking into burgers or sausages as they read this. But seeing as it’s a Wednesday (and not the weekend) I presume it’s safe to pass this on today… Last week I read about a new study presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in the USA which tracked the dietary habits of over 100,000 people for more than FOUR decades. It delivered yet more worrying news about processed…
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The amazing thing that happens to old garlic

Is it real or fake?

I love garlic. It’s a staple in my fridge and I chuck it into so many dishes that my wife occasionally complains. I always point out that we have had ZERO vampire problems in all our years of marriage. So, really, she should thank me! In fact, I love garlic so much it was one of the three superstar ingredients I wrote about in my book The Honey Garlic and Vinegar Miracle (you can grab a copy of it from…
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My cholesterol shocker

Healthy hearts need cholesterol

First up, an apology, in Wednesday’s letter I said Akira Endo had his cholesterol check up in 2024, this was a typo, he actually had it in 2004. Last week I experienced a disappointment, I decided to get a full medical checkup – as is advised for people of my age every 5 years. Last time I went into the GP’s surgery was pre-Covid! As you can expect from someone who writes a natural health newsletter, I look after myself…
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Why the inventor of statins refused to take statins

Last month, the inventor of statins died. His name was Akira Endo, a Japanese biochemist. He moved to New York from Tokyo in 1966 to work at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Arriving in the USA, he remarked upon the large number of overweight people, and elderly people with coronary heart disease. When he went back to Japan, he started looking into the link between cholesterol levels and heart problems. Thus began his quest for a drug that blocked…
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