Good Life Letter > Uncategorized
First up, an apology, in Wednesday’s letter I said Akira Endo had his cholesterol check up in 2024, this was a typo, he actually had it in 2004. Last week I experienced a disappointment, I decided to get a full medical checkup – as is advised for people of my age every 5 years. Last time I went into the GP’s surgery was pre-Covid! As you can expect from someone who writes a natural health newsletter, I look after myself…
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It seems that the battle for Alzheimer’s prevention has been hijacked by big pharma. This is certainly my conclusion when I read between the lines of a new report by the Alzheimer’s Prevention Expert Group (APEG). APEG boasts a panel of 24 global experts chaired by Patrick Holford, including Professor Michael Crawford from Imperial College London, Associate Professor David Perlmutter MD from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, and Dr Uma Naidoo from Harvard Medical School. Their controversial…
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I want to tell you a tale of two diets. Both were reported in the same newspaper (The Times) within a week of each other. And they say a lot about the age we are living in. One gives us good reason to despair… The other, thankfully, may offer us a glimmer of hope. Let’s start with the optimistic one, to ease us in gently. Eco-Friendly Diet Cuts Death Risk By a Third About five years ago, The Lancet published…
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Our changing climate is resulting much milder winters and hotter summers. Already, we are seeing signs of animals establishing themselves in this warmer version of the UK. Asian hornets and European Paper Wasps are becoming more common, basking sharks are swimming around our shores, while birds like the Cattle Egret and Little Egret are increasingly spotted here. Then there’s the tick… Milder winters are making making tick season start earlier and last longer – what’s more, new varieties are taking…
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Did you get my email on Wednesday? I wrote about a new scheme to prescribe fruit and vegetables to NHS patients in London. As I would have expected, it has worked wonders… Just £8 worth of fruit and vegetables created massive improvements in their health within just EIGHT MONTHS, including better blood glucose levels, higher energy levels, and improved digestion. One of these improvements was weight loss. And this is what you’d expect – because making these kinds of dietary…
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Here’s some news… Sales of mashed potato are flying in the UK! At first, you might think this is fine. Why would this story be controversial? Well, because of this… It’s not WHOLE POTATOES that are soaring in popularity… We’re not talking about people mashing potatoes at home, as they’ve been doing for centuries. I’m talking about READY-MASHED potatoes. Ready cooked, ready salted, ready buttered, ready milked, ready everything. According to Tesco, the demand for ready-meal mashed spuds was already…
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