Stress & Sleep

Seasonal Foods: Why you should celebrate Midsummer

Seasonal Food

The important nutritional lesson of midsummer’s day  If you want the most nutritional punch from your food, do this  How this natural anti-depressant got its name Happy Midsummer’s Day! Although that word ‘midsummer’ is a bit confusing, isn’t it? The school holidays haven’t even started… and yet we’re already midsummer?! Meteorologically speaking, we’re only a month into summer, so there are still two thirds of it left. And astronomically speaking, summer started on the June Solstice, which was on Tuesday,…
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Natural Anxiety Remedy: Ease the stress with a chestnut

natural anti-depressant

A Collins’ family secret finally revealed The vitamin that is no more… …and how an iceberg lettuce can ease daily stress If you saw me today, you’d be pretty shocked… My hair’s sticking out at strange angles… there are bags under my eyes… my shirt is covered in sweat…and bits of furniture are lying all over the place. Yes, a hurricane struck the Collins household last night and it was tough going for all of us. Its name was ‘Ruth’,…
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Avoiding stress for a happier heart

the secret of a happy heart

This is how a broken heart can be such bad news Try these handy tips to lower stress levels An easy way to calm the jangling nerves we all suffer from Today’s letter starts a little sombre but it gets better I promise… A few weeks ago I read about a tragic real-life case of a broken heart. It was a press release from an age concern group about a grandmother who was denied contact with her grandchildren. She was…
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Best Bed Time? Ask the scientists

Best Bed Time

Scientists reveal the best hour to fall asleep Revealed – the golden hour for falling asleep  Does your brain let you down in the evenings?  Here’s the dangerous way AND the safe way to boost your focus and concentration What time did you get to bed last night? I’m not being nosey, promise! But according to some brand new research, your regular bedtime could be important. A peer-reviewed study in the European Heart Journal has found ‘the golden hour’ in…
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Tips for better sleep

Better Sleep: Less Stress

Discover these five top tips for a good sleep The technology debacle that ruins sleep The surprising salad ingredient that can help you relax at night The chaps at the office have been through a move… This created havoc with telephone and internet services. Despite careful planning we suffered from nearly a week without telephone lines and patchy internet. It just proves that I am right to treat anything technological with healthy suspicion, and worry whenever I hear a service…
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Avoiding Alzheimer’s: How to prevent cognitive decline

Avoiding Cognitive Decline through Sleep

Revealed, the sleep ‘sweet spot’– could this help you avoid cognitive decline?  How to ‘pressure wash’ the toxins from your brain  How to lower your cold & flu risk by having a kids’ bedtime routine I know that foxes need to make babies. It’s not like they can choose a career instead, or go travelling the world, free of commitments. But do they have to make such a racket? Last night I thought someone was being murdered in the garden….
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