This is your account page where you can update personal information, edit your password and view recent orders.
If this is the first time you have visited this page because you have just signed up for an account there are three things that you need to do to ensure that we have your correct information;
- Change your password to something you want to use
- Make sure the name and username are ones you wish to show on your orders
- Ensure we have your correct addresses for billing and deliveries
Don’t worry, these are really simple things to do. On the left hand side of this page you will see some links. The first one to use is the account details one where you can choose your password and update your name.
After you have done this go to the addresses tab and fill in your billing address (where the card that you use to shop with will send the bill to) and the delivery address you want us to send your orders to (if they are the same just fill in the same details.)
That’s it you are now ready to shop.
Once you have chosen the products you want to buy you will have to enter your card details the first time but if you want these details stored please tick the box to approve this, otherwise leave this blank and you can choose which details to enter next time you buy.