Tag Archive: Processed Food

The classic BBQ food linked to dementia

BBQ Party health dangers

I don’t know how many readers will be having a bbq and tucking into burgers or sausages as they read this. But seeing as it’s a Wednesday (and not the weekend) I presume it’s safe to pass this on today… Last week I read about a new study presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in the USA which tracked the dietary habits of over 100,000 people for more than FOUR decades. It delivered yet more worrying news about processed…
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This affordable UK superfood might be in your garden

A 1955 marmalade recipe from a reader….    A classic, affordable British superfoods that might be in your garden    Try this tangy chutney to sneak in the green stuff   Who’d have thought it…  But one of my most popular emails lately was the one about marmalade!  Just shows what a sweet tooth you all have.  This is what I love about writing this newsletter – it’s as much about old-fashioned treats and things that make you feel good…
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A healthier kind of processed food

How to make your own, healthier processed food A closely guarded secret revealed 5 health benefits from this sugary treat   I’ve railed a lot recently about Ultra Processed Food.And I’ve decried the way that the food industry adds sugar and (even worse) sweeteners to their products, then aggressively markets them. But…That’s not to say that a ‘processed’ food, like cheese for example, is always bad.And it’s not to say you cannot enjoy sugary treats – particularly if you make them…
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