Tag Archive: osteoporosis remedy

Osteoporosis: How cheese outperforms expensive drugs

NEWS! Milk is as good as osteoporosis drug – the latest revelations from the BMJ How to cut your risk of fracture by 11% Revealed, the best non-dairy calcium sources Imagine this… You go to the GP with concerns about your bone health. Perhaps you have osteoporosis or you’re worried about getting the condition. So they send you for the usual checks… When you return to the surgery for a diagnosis, the doctor opens the door of a fridge by…
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How a lack of beach time could cause this long term problem

Discover why a beach holiday should make you think of health  Remember Pi in maths… well here’s Si and it’s much more interesting  You really need to read this – it’s for your own good I’m not alone in this, and I am certainly not looking for sympathy. Missing out on my annual trip to Portugal has deprived me of a proper health boost. I really missed not having the time in the sun, eating fish straight from the sea…
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