- The incidence of this condition is increasing, but it has to be stopped
- How a simple 30 second online test can help
- The daily routine that will protect your prostate – click here
Today’s letter concerns an emotive, worrying and deeply personal topic for many people.
I’ll guarantee that any man of a certain age will be thinking about this. In some cases it might even be keeping you awake at night – literally.
I’m talking about the prostate gland chaps.
In our youths this walnut sized organ sits at the base of the bladder and produces a major part of seminal fluid which protects the sperm on their journey to the egg in the womb.
But in later life it seems that its prime function is to give us something to moan about – however in many cases it creates problems much worse than that.
And a recent scary statistic is worrying the medical profession.
“The impact of COVID-19 has meant thousands of men across the UK have undetected cancer and risk being diagnosed too late, with incurable prostate cancer.” Prostate Cancer UK
This isn’t to be taken lightly, especially when you consider the statistics for the UK;
- Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK.
- More than 47,500 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year – that’s 129 men every day.
- Every 45 minutes one man dies from prostate cancer – that’s more than 11,500 men every year.
- 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.
Gentlemen, we should all be taking this a lot more seriously than we do, especially if we are over the age of 50 when the risk level increases.
BBC journalist, Bill Turnbull, has released a video on behalf of Prostate Cancer UK urging us all to take their online risk checker test – here.
I did and it made me think a little more about how I should be looking after myself as life moves on.
Find out how you can prepare for later life changes and minimise their impact on the prostate – here.
What to look out for
The statistics about prostate cancer above are shocking.
But because it’s a disease that affects elderly people, (72 years of age is the average for death from prostate cancer) the media don’t give it enough attention.
This is a dangerous situation because as the population ages, so prostate cancer incidence will increase.
It’s natural for the prostate to increase in size as we get older and this can affect us is several ways, hence the grumbling older men who find that they are having to go to the toilet more often.
But we should all know a lot more than we do about keeping ourselves safe.
So what can we do? The first thing is to act before cancer develops – and that means being much more aware about how to spot risks, and significantly reduce them.
If the prostate is beginning to change there are a range of obvious symptoms which are basically to do with urination;
- Making it difficult for you to start urinating and causing a weakened flow of urine, or cause “stopping and starting”
- Causing a strain to pass urine and to make it feel like the bladder hasn’t fully emptied
- A frequent need to urinate especially awakening in the night regularly needing to go to the toilet
- Developing a sudden urge to urinate, which can result in incontinence if a toilet isn’t found quickly enough
None of these are joyous, I know, but never ignore these symptoms and make sure to discuss them with a GP as soon as possible.
Delaying getting assessed might be the worst decision you ever make, facing up to the fact that your prostate might be causing these problems could put your life at risk.
How to fight the battle with prostate cancer and win – find out how to act early
New hope for more accurate tests for prostate problems
The common test looks at a protein in the blood called Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) which is easy to conduct but notoriously inaccurate and either leads to over stating the development of the disease or, worse, understating it and leaving the sufferer at risk.
Half of men who are told they have only ‘slow-growing’ prostate cancer turn out to have more aggressive tumours, after undergoing current biopsy testing.
Scientists have warned that inaccurate testing often underestimates the likely progress of the disease, and that it is only when the prostate is surgically removed that doctors can tell for sure whether the cancer was life threatening or not.
So, health experts are encouraged by new methods to test tissue samples which allows them to genetically test the cells harvested to accurately predict how they are likely to develop.
Currently these tests are being used to identify if previous sufferers are at risk of further problems but the science teams reckon that this information can be put into wider usage, for everyone’s benefit.
Of course all this super space age technology is good news for the future but what should all men be doing right now to keep their prostates in better shape?
The best natural remedies for your prostate
Enlargement of the prostate is something most men of a certain age suffer from to some degree. But it’s not something that’s easily talked about.
In fact anything that falls into the ‘down there’ category is quite often swept under the carpet. Men still tend to suffer in silence.
But it’s something that NEEDS to be talked about – and dealt with – because the need to urinate more frequently is one of the signs of BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) – or an enlarged prostate.
Like I said, nearly all men of a certain age will suffer from this, because after years of sitting still the prostate suddenly bursts into life when men hit 40 and starts growing again.
Luckily, there are natural remedies that can keep the embarrassing and irritating symptoms of an enlarged prostate in check, and help prevent cancer developing.
One such remedy which can help prevent prostate and associated problems is Androlistica.
Androlistica is rich in not one, but FOUR essential oils that help maintain the necessary balance to keep the prostate healthy.
- Cold pressed marrow seed oil; Used from the times of the ancient Egyptians to promote health and prevent the effects of aging in men, this oil contains sterols which are close in structure to natural sex hormones
- Non-hydrogenated palm nut oil; traditionally used to protect cellular membranes
- Omega 3 rich saltwater fish oil; new studies have shown how effective these oils are at preventing damage to the prostate, as well as improving blood circulation generally
- Borage oil; Being rich in gamma linoleic acid means that this oil stops the production of damaging prostaglandins that result from consuming animal fat
As well as all this healthy oil the formulation also includes a host of other natural compounds aimed at halting the effects of time on the body.
I urge everyone to consider taking the plunge and seek help if you notice anything wrong, particularly as the tests are improving in their reliability.
Choose Androlistica to protect your prostate now
Yours, as always
P.S. I apologise to those who were disappointed when we ran out of stock of the Multibiotic Microbiome Support supplement last week…. but good news we have some more back in stock. Please don’t delay as it tends to sell out rather quickly as we discovered previously!