Good Life Letter > natural remedies
Tag Archive: natural remedies
The surprise cause of many hospital admissions Why natural remedies & medicines are closer than we think These plants can outperform drugs I hate it when this happens… You’re talking to someone about nutrition and natural remedies… And they suddenly blurt out… “YOU are the reason that so many people die from serious disease.” Yikes! I realise their response might sound odd, but here’s their rationale… They think that because I support the promotion of diet, exercise, nutrition and complementary…
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Discover the healing power of Mother Nature Welcome to the home of the best natural remedies Gentle, effective and safe natural home remedies for common health problems Way before the advent of modern science natural cures for common illnesses involved herbs, spices and ancient know how. If you are seeking natural remedies and supplements for a range of health conditions then you have come to the right place – the Good Life Letter shop. Modern medicine has given us…
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Are you a knowledge surfer or diver? Who knew that tree bark cures headaches? Discover the secrets of ancient herblore The other day someone asked me if I enjoy ‘surfing’ the web. Well, I use the Internet almost every day… but is ‘surfing’ the right word? Surfing is a term that means skimming the surface of something. It’s a word for young people with no health worries. People who just want to go faster, look better on the outside. They…
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I want to tell you a tale of two diets. Both were reported in the same newspaper (The Times) within a week of each other. And they say a lot about the age we are living in. One gives us good reason to despair… Read more here