Tag Archive: good cholesterol

Cholesterol an innocent bystander in heart disease

good cholesterol

New research will not be popular in some circles What is happening behind your back Discover your way forward to food safety There are hundreds of new research trials published every day. I try to keep abreast of them, but from time to time it is great to get a prompt from one of the Good Life Letter readers about something of interest. Such was the case this week when Jeanette alerted me to a new report from researchers at…
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Why so many people are wrong about cholesterol

Healthy hearts need cholesterol

Good vs Bad? Why the cholesterol cliché isn’t quite true Unfairly maligned, the truth about this so-called killer The real reason your cholesterol is high I’m in the doghouse. The other day, I forgot to put out the recycling for the bin collectors. We keep the recycling in the garage to stop it being blown away in the winds or being searched through by desperate foxes. Now, me forgetting to take out the bins is hardly a big drama. But…
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