Tag Archive: Androlistica

Men! Are you THE one in ten?

This issue is one that needs to be discussed Why it is time to stop the embarrassed silence Gentlemen, start your engines – here are the full facts A chance conversation with a friend over the phone the other day highlighted a gaping hole in the topics I’ve covered for the Good Life Letter. You see, my mate had asked me to tell him what I knew about Viagra as he was considering using it to help him ‘perform’ for…
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This is why BBC’s Bill Turnbull wants you to act now

The incidence of this condition is increasing, but it has to be stopped How a simple 30 second online test can help The daily routine that will protect your prostate – click here Today’s letter concerns an emotive, worrying and deeply personal topic for many people. I’ll guarantee that any man of a certain age will be thinking about this. In some cases it might even be keeping you awake at night – literally. I’m talking about the prostate gland…
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Why my head is a dandelion clock

The worrying thing about hair loss  This plant oil is really good for your prostate  Why coffee drinkers are less at risk of this disease There’s nothing wrong with losing your hair. But I can’t imagine that many men wake up in the morning and think “I hope I lose some hair today.” Believe me, I KNOW. Mine’s been doing a slow striptease for decades now. Shedding little bits at a time. I’m completely reconciled to this reality, and I’m…
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