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More Info
Martin Hum is a qualified nutritional therapist with more than 20 years’ experience, who has written on health and nutrition issues for national magazines and newspapers. He’s also appeared on television in the documentary series ‘Get Well Soon’, which explored the role of natural therapies in preventing and treating illness.
He is the former Chairman of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION), the UK’s leading training institute for nutritional therapists.
In his private practice, Martin has advised clients from all over the world with a wide range of health concerns. In particular, he has used his extensive research into nutritional approaches for curing health problems to help people with type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome.
He was one of the very first people to advocate a low-carbohydrate diet as a therapeutic approach when everyone else – doctors, patient groups and people who should really have known better – were recommending the opposite! .
Our researchers have already done the painstaking and sometimes mind numbing hard work for you …. sifting through reams of research documents, checking and cross-checking the claims, interviewing companies to get the inside story….all so that you can have all these findings in one place to read and refer to time and time again….so that you can find the ideal treatment, compound or formula that works best for you…
Things like…
This 31-ingredient powerhouse formula rivals diabetes drugs …but much, much safer! Listing out all the benefits of each ingredient would run to a whole book on its own…but we’ve condensed everything you need to know on pages 151 to 154
This incredible Chinese mushroom helps control blood sugar…helps protect against heart disease and cancer, too. These mushrooms contain a secret ingredient which is largely missing from our modern diet. What is it? Find out on pages 154 – 156
This compound prevents the ageing effects of high blood sugar AND diabetic complications. What’s even better, it ensures more of the active compound is delivered faster into the body thanks to a unique technological advance. You’ve just got to read about this on page 158
How comes this noxious weed from India and South East Asia has got researchers from the prestigious Harvard Medical School all excited? It’s all explained on page 161
This essence from the prickly pear cactus was used as a medicine by Aztecs over 1,000 years ago. But, guess what? It’s so packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants that it’s now being used to effectively regulate blood sugar, aid weight-loss, lower cholesterol AND overcome gastrointestinal disorders. More here on page 168
‘I’ve never depended on medication and I’m not about to start now!’ How one 69 year-old woman’s search to control dangerously high blood sugar caused her to stumble across this ancient herbal remedy. It works like a dream….plus…extra energy and weight-loss come as part of the package! It’s on pages 175 – 180
I know you’ll want to get your hands on this book as soon as possible, but there’s just one more thing I need you to know…